pondělí 16. prosince 2019

N/UM TCHA, performance

Malinovského square, Brno, Czech Republic, 2019 
Cooperation: Jakub Cír, Michael S. Blaško, Kristýna Kmentová, Jana Vondrů 
Technical support: Jakub Wagner Photo: Roman A. Muselík 

Third of the projects from the Serie The Little Night Performances 

N/um tcha is traditional healing ceremony of bushman tribe !Kung, which usually takes a place once a week and goes on all night long. The whole tribe meets, the women are sitting in the middle and clap, the men are walking around and stomp. Shaman/Medicine man is getting to deep trans because of the rhythm and healing the residences with his touch and voice. With the group of dancers and singers we created a free adaptation of this traditional bushman ritual and put it at the square in Brno. So we created a platform for common meeting of friends and even random passersby for a purpose of healing ritual. The project was inspired by exhibition Shaman´s rehearsal of Małgorzata Szandała (PL) in Gallery G99 in Brno. 

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