čtvrtek 19. prosince 2019

HEAD AGAINST THE WALL, performance, exhibition

Gallery Stěna, Liberec, Czech Republic, 2019  
Cooperation: Barbora Kašubová 
Music: Nick Cave: Push the Sky Away

White exhibition wall in interpretation students of Performance Art atelier FFA in Brno Barbora Kašubová and Hana Magdoňová will transform into the mental wall. Mental states and inner struggles will get a physical dimension. Representative function of the wall will be exchanged  for action function. Instead of being beem for artistic work, the wall will became an artefact itself, which gets attention and brought energy. But what´s the point anyway to perform the wall? Stubbornness softens the absurdity of action. Vanity over vanity. 

pondělí 16. prosince 2019

N/UM TCHA, performance

Malinovského square, Brno, Czech Republic, 2019 
Cooperation: Jakub Cír, Michael S. Blaško, Kristýna Kmentová, Jana Vondrů 
Technical support: Jakub Wagner Photo: Roman A. Muselík 

Third of the projects from the Serie The Little Night Performances 

N/um tcha is traditional healing ceremony of bushman tribe !Kung, which usually takes a place once a week and goes on all night long. The whole tribe meets, the women are sitting in the middle and clap, the men are walking around and stomp. Shaman/Medicine man is getting to deep trans because of the rhythm and healing the residences with his touch and voice. With the group of dancers and singers we created a free adaptation of this traditional bushman ritual and put it at the square in Brno. So we created a platform for common meeting of friends and even random passersby for a purpose of healing ritual. The project was inspired by exhibition Shaman´s rehearsal of Małgorzata Szandała (PL) in Gallery G99 in Brno.