čtvrtek 6. prosince 2018

NOTHING COVERED BY SKIN performance, exhibition

Brno, Czech republic, 2018
opening 06/12/18, SUTEREN GALLERY

colective exhibition with artistic group Gravidity: Lucie Jestřabíková, Zuzana Štefková, Hana Magdoňová,
Michael Franče, Michaela Čížková

Underground - Suteren - Sub terrein in French - under the surface - inspires to open Pandora´s Box
to our Sub consciousness. Emotions and feelings covered deep inside of us is not easy pronounce
by words. They leak through the ragged cellar space, from its representative parts to darkest corners.
Explicitly but not descriptively we try to bring it to the surface. These themes with transform to the
intersection body-clothes-environment. Against the usual principle the gradual concealment of our
subconscious by the individual layers are used as an option explicit expression. Despite human body,
sculpture, photography, performance, clothes, leather, coats up after the particular environment of the
cellar space. Just like make up, we can cover up our true identity, but it can be also a way of expression
of our inner world.

Hana Magdoňová: Nothing covered by the skin

pátek 16. listopadu 2018


Prague, Czech Republic, 2018
performance: 14-16/11/18

"Zajíček v své jamce sedí sám, sedí sám. Ubožáčku, co je ti, že nemůžeš skákati? Chutě skoč, chutě skoč, a vyskoč!"

Performance "How to Explain the World to a Dead Hare" was created as part of the 2018 Prague Rooms exhibition (Exhibition of Czech Art Universities). Instead of presenting our work, cabinet of Performance decided to fill the time-space with the presence of performers themselves. Every concrete action transforms the space. Efforts to communicate with the living and the not-living. The inspiration for us is Joseph Beuys' work.
My performance was an interpretation of his performance "How to Explain the Image to a Dead Hare".Thirty-hour meditation during three days took place together with the audience. Nonverbally, just in the meditative state of mind i tried to communicate with audience (1 or 2 person) and explain questions which Beuys put in his work: Who is a Dead Hare? Why is a Hare dead? How to reanimate him?

sobota 20. října 2018

ALBERTOV STAIR instalation

Prague, Czech Republic, 2018

Rendering the shade of the stair railing. Will it be more visible now? Does someone notice a strange shadow? Maybe it will stay invisible during the night and during the day it transform to a strange mixture of lines...

sobota 13. října 2018

TOTEM PATH instalation

Beskydy Mountain, Czech Republic, 2018

Totem has always been seen as a stable, solid pillar, the center around which is accumulated the energy and prayers and through which is possible to connect with other realities. How can this stability be understood in today's fluid time, when does everything keep the mind away from the body? The Bittersweet taste of mysticism put on fallen logs, passed without notice. And then at the end of the way - colours and brush... DIY shamanism today.

středa 3. října 2018


Prague City Gallery, Czech Republic, 2018

The RE-PRESENTATION was held as part of a collective performance within the Tomáš Ruller's Flash of Sustainable exhibition. It deals with the issue of our identity. Are we really ourselves? Or is that just a picture curved by the image of ourselves? What makes us move? Symbolic casting of the body and its shadow.

sobota 22. září 2018

BAUBO performance

GASK Gallery, Kutná hora, Czech Republic, 2018

The performance Baubo happened in September 2018 as part of the collective performance Theatrum Mundi at the GASK Gallery in Kutná Hora. It is an interpretation of the Greek Goddess of the belly of Baubo. She does not have a head, her eyes are instead of her breasts and her mouth instead of a sheath. She communicates with other people or gods through her body, which use to be coarse and dirty. Even during this performance, the communication worked through the body. It was simple, provocative and challenging dialog. After that was interesting to confront the audience and the performer face to face.

pátek 13. července 2018

INTO THE BELLY OF THE WHALE performance laboratory

Frankfurt a.M., Germany, 2018

The ten-day intensive performance lab worked with the theme of a labyrinth as a complicate and long journey of identifying your own soul, and then strait back in the form of explicit expression. In the result was created a different reality-space-labyrinth as a meeting place for performers/archetypes and audience.

pátek 18. května 2018

ACT site-specific exhibition - instaltion/photography/video/performance

Frýdek-Místek, Czech Republic, 2018
opening 24/05/18, old textile factory

collective exhibition with artistic group Gravidity: Lucie Jestřabíková, Zuzana Štefková, Lucie Anna Přerovská

“When are we dressed, we pretend to be immortal: how could we die when we wear a tie.” Emil Michel Cioran

Collective exhibition as a possibility of artistic and personal encounter and confrontation of the theme of the act. The artists are thinking about this topic separately - in their own artistic work, but also together during the installation and performance. Here is created naked artistic peace responding to the specific space of the old textile hall factory.

Hana Magdoňová works in her interpretation the act more on the personal level. The exhibited works - personal texts or photographs, performance as well examines her boundaries of intimacy and she stands uncovered and fragile in front of the audience.

neděle 11. března 2018

WIND MILLS installation

Manchester, United Kindom, 2018

Response to ubiquitous garbage on streets and parks in Manchester city. The installation was made only from material/rubbish in the neighborhood.

sobota 10. března 2018

ATLANTIDA 07 installation

Manchester, United Kindom, 2018

Response to ubiquitous garbage on streets and parks in Manchester city. The installation was made only from material/rubbish in the neighborhood.

pátek 9. března 2018


Manchester, United Kindom, 2018

Response to ubiquitous garbage on streets and parks in Manchester city. The installation was made only from material/rubbish in the neighborhood.

čtvrtek 8. března 2018

BLUE LAGUNA installation

Manchester, United Kindom, 2018

Response to ubiquitous garbage on streets and parks in Manchester city. The installation was made only from material/rubbish in the neighborhood.

pondělí 1. ledna 2018

FORMY video-performance

Praha, 2018

technická spolupráce: Martin Jašek
hudba: Mathias Grassow

Často se snažíme vtěsnat do forem, které se nám zdají být správné. Často v nich ustrneme,
navzdory jejich nepohodlnosti či nepřirozenosti a nevnímáme jejich dvourozměrnost.
A i když se jí snažíme vymanit, přesto se nám alespoň lepí na paty. Jedinou možností se jí
navždy zbavit, by bylo žít ve tmě. Ale forma je měnitelná. Transformuje se, pokud se
transformujeme my sami. Pohne se, pokud se pohneme i my. Je dobré si uvědomit tento bod,
ve kterém se střetáváme a využít jej jako kontaktu. Můžeme se jí dotknout, můžeme si s ní hrát
a tančit. Volně se pohybovat a vnímat jak i ona sama je volná a pružná.